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  • Supplements Studio

Most of us are caught up in our day-to-day activities, trying to complete tasks more efficiently and effectively. Which leaves us exhausted and often disappointed at the end of the day, wishing our performance was better. It may or may not come as a surprise, but a simple way to lighten your mood and become more productive is through physical activity. Exercise has an enormous impact on your mood and mental well-being. Here are some of the proven mood-boosting benefits of exercise:

      1. A Boost of Positivity
      2. Reduce Stress
      3. Reduce Depression
      4. More Energy
      5. Promotes Quality Sleep
1. A Boost of Positivity

Who doesn’t love the euphoric feeling after a brisk walk or Zumba class?

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals produced naturally by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress. They are often referred to as “feel-good” chemicals because they can act as a pain reliever and trigger a boost in happiness. 

The well-known euphoric feeling is known as a “runner’s high” is often felt after a length, vigorous exercise due to a sudden increase of endorphin levels. 

2. Reduce Stress

We often live high-stress lifestyles, trying to juggle work, family, and friends, but stress may dampen our moods. The increased release of stress hormones can damage or prevent cell growth in regions of the brain that control our moods.

Exercise can help the brain cope better with excess stress by fueling the brain’s stress buffers, states the American Psychology Association. Physical activity can help release positive chemicals throughout the brain and assist in working out the frustrations and worries of the day. Regular long-term exercise can even help you become less stressed over time. In other words, the benefits to both your brain and your mood might start with your muscles. 

3. Reduce Depression

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is a common illness globally, affecting about 264 million people worldwide. While psychotherapy and medication are effective, exercise is the only proven method that is free and universally available to everyone. 

Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, triggering the release of endorphins and dopamine, the “feel good” hormones. In partner with the pain reliever chemical endorphin, dopamine is a chemical in the brain that creates pleasure and happiness.

By exercising the CDC’s recommended 150 minutes a week, depression has been seen to lift within four weeks of starting. 

4. More Energy

Spending energy to exercise can give you more energy? Although it might be hard to believe, it is true. Physical activity increases your heart rate and gets your blood flowing, providing your muscles with more oxygen and the nutrients they need to give you that boost in energy levels. 

University of Georgia researchers found that 90% of people who completed regular exercise improved fatigue compared to those who did not exercise. So next time you’re looking to cure your afternoon crash, try taking a walk instead of reaching for your favorite caffeinated beverage.

5. Promotes Quality Sleep

While exercising can leave you feeling more alert throughout the day, it can also help you promote quality sleep. This is because physical activity tires your body out, increasing your sleep drive or need for sleep. In addition, when you exercise, your body will want to recover, and the best rest is a good way of doing that.

Stress and anxiety are sleep’s worst enemies. But exercising can significantly reduce stress causing you to relax and stop tossing and turning all night. Almost half of all adults say stressful thoughts keep them awake at night. When you exercise endorphins and dopamine, the “feel-good” hormones are released, boosting your mood while reducing your stress. 

Bottom Line

AtSupplements Studio one of our top priorities is your health. Physical activity is one of the best prescriptions to enhance your mood, along with diet. Exercise has an enormous impact on your mood and mental well-being by providing a boost of positivity, relieving stress, reducing depression, more energy, and promoting quality sleep. Moreover, it’s free, readily available, and if you choose something you enjoy, it’s fun. So, the next time you’re considering ditching your workout, you will have all the more reason to keep up the hard work.
