Supplements Studio Blog - Wellness & Vegan Nutrition Tips

8 Simple Ways to Support Your Immune System
- Supplements Studio
Ever feel like your body is a castle under constant siege? Between sniffles, sneezes, and that nagging cough, it can seem like there's a never-ending battle against invaders. But fear not, weary warrior! Your body has a built-in defense system, a tireless army of immune cells working around the clock to fight off those pesky viruses and bacteria. This complex network, known as the human immune system, is your first...

6 Ways to Improve Gut Health
- Supplements Studio
You may know that gut health is extremely important. But it's not just a digestive center. Gut health can influence many other wellness aspects ranging from our immunity to mental health. A harmonious gut ensures well-being, setting a tone of vibrant health throughout the entire body. These days, our dietary choices are often influenced by bustling lifestyles, making the gut's well-being more vital than ever. To understand gut health, we’ve...

6 Essential Supplements You Should Take If You're Vegan
- Supplements Studio
Adopting a vegan diet has become increasingly popular; however, it's essential to be aware of specific nutrients that might be less abundant in a plant-based diet and may require additional supplementation. This blog post will delve into six essential vegan supplements often recommended for vegans to ensure a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. Why Should Someone on a Vegan Diet Look Into Adding Supplements Into Their Routine? A vegan diet could...

Menopause and Mental Health: How Menopause Affects Your Mental Health
- Supplements Studio
The change of life known as menopause can bring many physical and emotional changes to the female body. Menopause can involve irrevocable hormone imbalances, fluctuating emotions, and a range of other complications-many of which can affect mental health. For those entering menopause, understanding how these hormonal changes affect your emotional balance is an important factor in managing mental wellness. In this blog post, we'll discuss how menopause affects women mentally...