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  • Supplements Studio

Have you been feeling exhausted or lethargic lately?

If so, you are probably experiencing fatigue. When you are fatigued, you are both physically and mentally drained. Daily tasks that were once so easy to perform can now feel like you are trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

There are many different reasons why fatigue may occur. Some of them include depression, lack of sleep, illness, over stimulation and mental stress. No matter what the reason, here are a few natural remedies that can give you the energy boost you need without the crash later.

#1 – Eat a Good Breakfast

When you wake up in the morning one of the first things you should do is eat breakfast. As you have heard so many times before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you eat breakfast, your energy levels get a boost. It is this boost that can help you perform your daily tasks more efficiently.

When you skip breakfast, you put yourself at risk for a variety of different health problems. Even if it’s something quick, make breakfast a part of your everyday routine. Try to keep your meal around 300 calories.

#2 – Eat More Broccoli

Broccoli is a superfood that can help prevent stress and fatigue. It contains dietary fiber that can help reduce the amount of adrenal damage caused by stress and fatigue. The result is a better-controlled blood sugar level and less glucose being metabolized in the body.

Broccoli is also able to help eliminate the fat that is often found in the midriff area. Fat in the midriff area causes the hormone cortisol to increase in your body. When this happens, you gain weight. By eating broccoli, you will be able to reduce insulin resistance and improve the metabolism of blood sugar.

#3 – Get Plenty of Rest

Never underestimate the power of sleep. In order for your body and mind to function the right way, you need to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every single night. Having a proper sleeping pattern is a key step to preventing fatigue. When you get plenty of rest your will feel rejuvenated and ready for the day. When you don't get enough rest, you will feel very sluggish and unable to focus.

#4 – Have a Little Lemon Balm

This perennial herb is used to treat a variety of different ailments. The chemicals it contains have a very calming effect. When you are calm you r level of mental fatigue is significantly lowered. For best results mix lip balm with nettle, raspberry leaf, oat tops, ginger, and licorice. Consume this fatigue fighting mixture at least 3 times a day and you may be able to completely eliminate fatigue.

#5 – Take a Nice, Warm Salt Bath

Salt baths are great for helping you release your fatigue. Just take a little salt and add it to a tub of lukewarm water. Sit in the salt water for about 10 minutes. Allow your body to relax as the salt massages your pores. Never let your face or hair get in the salt water. Tie your hair up and submerge yourself in the water from the neck down.

# 6 – Drink a Glass of Wine

All the wine lovers out there will love this remedy. When it comes to getting rid of fatigue all you may need is a glass of wine.

Take 1 liter of your favorite red wine and mix it with the following ingredients:

  • 25gm of sage
  • 25gm of rosemary
  • 2 tsps. of honey

Find a glass container and mix in the wine, rosemary, and sage.

Put the glass container in a pot of boiling hot water for 20 minutes.

Remove the container, strain the liquid, and add in the honey.

Let it cool off a bit and enjoy. It is the perfect way to end a long day.

#7 – Consume Rose Petals

Rose petals are known for their ability to help combat depression and tension. Generally speaking, both are a direct result of mental fatigue. Get 20 to 30 rose petals and mix them in a glass of water. Boil the mixture for about 15 minutes. Once it has cooled down you will need to store it in an airtight container. Have a glass up to 3 times a day and watch the fatigue go away.

#8 – Add Spinach To Your Diet

If you have chronic fatigue, consuming spinach is one of the best remedies. Spinach is a very nutrient rich food. The folate it contains helps fight chronic fatigue. Spinach also provides your body with other nutrients that give it energy and ward off fatigue.

For best results, consider having spinach at least once a day. You can eat it or drink it in a smoothie or juice. Look for recipe ideas so you can avoid burn out.
